HEPATOXIN-B 5Ltr (For Hepato protective nutritional liver and multivitamin, trace elements liquid feed supplement)



Pack : 20 LTRS
1 Case Contains : 1
Case Weight in KGs/LTRs :20



For Hepato protective nutritional liver and multivitamin, trace elements liquid feed supplement

Aqua culture is a worldwide activity and considered as a major economic and food production sector it is increasingly important sources of protein available for human consumption. Vitamins, enzymes and mineral premix indicated specially to improve recovery of shrimps. Formatted with bio-attractants, amino acids, choline, detoxifier and group-b vitamins.
Tricholine citrate, DL Methinonie, Liver Exract, Protein Hydrolsate, Inositol,
Vitamin-E, Biotin, Glycine, Chromium, Selenium, Vitamin-B2, Vitamin- B6,
Vitamin, B12, D.Panthenol, Choline chloride, Nicotinamide, Lysine mono
hydro chloride, and trace elements.

1. Indicated to solve the fatty liver process and advanced stages of liver degeneration caused by micotoxins and other toxic substances.
2. It improves hepatic function and mobilizing fatty deposits.
3. Hepatoxin-B indicated to increase appetence and feed intake in periods of low temperatures.
4. It Improves the growth rate and health condition.
5. It improves the intestinal health achieving better FCR.
6. It works as immune stimulant function.
7. Prevention against bacterial infections caused by genus vibrio of shrimp.
8. Hepatoxin-b has presence of enzymes that aid in feed digestion.
9. Provides superior energy sources of all biological functions.
10. Improves the weight gain and Higher growth rates in shorter forming cycles.
11. Reduces the environmental pressure and increasing economic returns.
12. Economic sustainable approach for shrimp health management.
Prevention of fatty liver continues use 30ml per 1kg feed
Or advised by aqua culture consultant


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